Friday, September 25, 2009

Shoes for Men

There are specific shoes for different looks. Here are some general rules:

-Choose a shoe that "goes" or is darker than your pants **Remember: outfits should "go" not "match"
-If you are confused how to make your shoe go with your outfit look at your belt and work from there

Shoes with jeans:
You can wear pretty much any style and color shoe with jeans. Think about what type of outfit you are wearing and start with your shirt. If you are wearing a polo shirt, a loafer might be more appropriate that basketball sneakers. Try not to wear too shiny of a shoe because that is alittle more dressy.

Shoes with Dress Pants:
General rule is to wear shinier shoes that are either the same color or darker than your pants.

Color tips:
Black shoes work well with navy, grey or black pants.
Brown shoes are best suited to tan, brown, beige, greens, other darker earth tones.
Burgundy shoes work well with khaki, lighter browns, blue and grey.
Tan shoes look great with lighter earth tones, blue, beige, lighter tan or white.

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